Friday, April 2, 2010

Ugh....last night

Was quite the meltdown....Personally I'm in a turning point in my life where I have so many different roads to take my brain is becoming overwhelmed. In my realationship, my job my lease on the apartment I've lived in for the last 4 years will be up in a few months...there are so many possibilites and don't get me wrong I'm excited and all, I just don't want to make the wrong decision. So anyway after my 10 hour work day and going to school for an hour I bailed I went to make some choices I cried I yelled I fought with all my heart to save or move on I didn't know and really got no where with my relationship. Nothing is different except all my fears and all my doubts are now out in the open and I feel vulnerable.

So after that I came home starved since I hadn't ate since almost lunch and I fell right back to my old stand by PB and (Blackberry) J and a baby bell and a small glass of skim milk. Hey better than Mcd's :)

This morning I had a banana on the way to work. Its Good Friday and I am catholic so I will be fasting....basically just eating small sustainable meals no frills or eating between meals.

Okay thats all.

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